A Consolidated Base: Acquiring New Clients In Digital Marketing.


Digital marketing essentially is a numbers game. The ideas and plans implemented behind-the-scenes based on factual data is what decides the fate of a company. It’s ironic that many consider fancy pitches sans importance on data to be their ‘winning formula’. A formula consists of variables where data must be a constant to any digital marketing firm. 

Gaining the client’s trust is a calculative process that doesn’t culminate overnight. It requires stupendous patience, shrewdness, planning, focus and analysis. All shortcuts are conclusively thrown out of the window while peak levels of concentration are demanded to acquire trust. The moment trust is established regarding understanding of the client’s businesses and the prospective plans is when marketing firms can envision the next level of consultancy. 

Here are a few points which can address the acquisition of new clients.

  • Understand the in-and-out of an industry: The fundamental pillar for success comprises the intricate knowledge of the industry a digital marketing firm is working in. A failure to understand this essential aspect would simply mean walking within a labyrinth. Merely understanding client USPs won’t suffice; one must rather use their arsenal in analysing the growth prospects, challenges, market leaders and competitors among other factors – all comprehensive nuances of an industry. 
  • A team comprising the right mix: The digital marketing realm is a broad spectrum that requires expertise and skill sets in multiple areas. The task to thus acquire the right blend of professionals who complement each other’s facets is far from a walk in the park, especially when resources are bleak. 
  • Measure past campaign results: Data-backed analysis of previous campaign results will provide clarity to a digital marketing firm’s methodologies. Digital marketing has serenaded in the last few years and continues to do so because its immense profitability has been measured for everyone to see. Hence, investing time in measuring past campaign results will certainly reap dividends. 
  • Listen before speaking: One must carefully comprehend the requirements, aspirations, demands and expectations of a client without a grain of interruption or seemingly impressive buzzwords. A critical solution can only be offered once their expectations have been grasped. It is also imperative to understand the difference between hearing and listening. The demands of each client must be held in the highest regard.
  • Simple communication: There is a misconception that sophisticated communication involves complicated words. An idea might potentially hold immense gravity but may get lost amidst confusing language. Hence, the articulation of big ideas must crucially be in its simplest form where clarity of thought remains unquestioned. 
  • Embrace inbound marketing strategies: Prospects analysed through the firm’s own marketing strategies like search engine optimization and pay-per-click among others must be relied upon. This enables better analysis and prospects of lead generation.  

In conclusion
In order to reach the summit or even claim a share of rewards, an industry must thus form a consolidated base of the above qualities. The formation of these pillars is imperative in establishing client relations that will evidently lead to trustworthy partnerships in the overall quest for growth. 

Disclaimer: The views expressed in the article above are those of the authors’ and do not necessarily represent or reflect the views of this publishing house. Unless otherwise noted, the author is writing in his/her personal capacity. They are not intended and should not be thought to represent official ideas, attitudes, or policies of any agency or institution.

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