5 points to consider while you retrospect and plan for 2022

December is here, the month to retrospect and summarize the year that went by. But do not forget to enjoy and celebrate your present.

1. Chuck the negatives and start your year on a clean slate.

To be able to do this one must analyze the good and bad that went by and summarize it by working out and understand:

  • What kept you positive and happy
  • Areas for improvement
  • Which are the bad experiences to bid farewell to all and preserve the learning’s from them

2. Figure out the issues that kept cropping up regularly

Now that 11 months have gone by and one can consolidate data of these months, this data can be worked upon to arrive at:

  • Typical situations that caused stress regularly
  • Ways to reflect on these situations  
  • Actions to be taken to not allow them to happen again

3. Identify the highlights that kept you alive and kicking

Like you figure out the issues one must also identify the highlights that made a mark in their lives

  • Peep into all the situations that made you shine bright
  • Make a plan to repeat them with even better treatment this time
  • Make sure you don’t misjudge the good and bad

4. Identify the areas that you are good at for helping others

Helping others grow is so satisfying, so lets understand how we can plan that

  • Firstly identify what you are good at
  • List down things that you could impart, that too very casually
  • Don’t go out there to teach, just share, its more effective.

5. Last but not the least, Carve the path for further growth

Growth is the most crucial outcome that one should aim for under all situations.

  • Identify the instances that spiked your overall growth
  • Make a robust plan to grow in the areas that you intend to excel in
  • Make a list of “DON’T DO”, specially because they don’t help in growth

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