#WorldEmojiDay – Shiraz Khan, Spicetree Design Agency: Emojis can definitely do wonders

On the occasion of World Emoji Day 2022, Shiraz Khan, Founder / Director, Spicetree Design Agency (SDA), speaks about how emojis help in effective communication and how emojis can work wonders for brands.
Read on.
While some emojis are really brilliantly expressive and can capture many a precise shade of emotions, do you feel emojis are the lazy person’s refuge? One would say they’re a shortcut for those who don’t want to put their thoughts in words and sentences, and hence they opt for the easy way out of using emojis. Do you? What’s your view?
I believe in effective communication. Hence if and when used discreetly, they express better than words at times. They also elevate what a person is trying to express many times if used effectively.

Emojis are now also invading work emails. Should they? What’s your view, and experience there?
Emojis do not fall in line with the official environment and nature of an email & are more casual than professional. Also, email is definitely a place where you can elaborate rather than sneak your way out by using emojis to fill the gaps. Hence, in my opinion, they should be kept away from official emails.

What’s you favourite emoji?

Send us a grab of one emoji that you think is so damned expressive, that it cannot be described with any number of words!

Can you share any especially memorable use of emojis in digital marketing communication?
A lot of quirky push notifications done by brands like Zomato, Swiggy and Dominos, to name a few, have been using emojis very effectively.

I would like to conclude, by saying that if used effectively by brands, emojis can definitely do wonders, however, they must definitely be kept away from professional/official communication.

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